Innovative, forward-looking countries around the globe are establishing bold strategies to leverage hydrogen as the go-to green energy source. Indeed, hydrogen is projected by 2030 to be the lead low-carbon player in long-distance trucking, shipping, and forklifts for the warehouses and storage industries. By mid-century hydrogen is projected to supply ~14% of U.S. energy demands, create a $1750 billion market with 3.4 million jobs, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 16%.

AlPower’s BioHydrogen is an NSF-supported technology that utilizes recent advances in plant breeding to develop improved algae strains that convert waste carbon dioxide directly into clean energy. AlPower’s innovative technology generates clean hydrogen which is free from compounds that poison fuel cells. This technology also has a potential to greatly minimize transportation costs of hydrogen because it can operate in remote locations.

Our hydrogen can be used for fuel cell-powered vehicles,
forklifts, and the aerospace industry.

The hydrogen car technology is already here with more vehicles on the road every year. The most important impediment is scarcity of fuel-cell ready hydrogen fuel. AlPower can meet this challenge by creating networks of hydrogen manufacturing plants to lower transportation fees and significantly increase availability of green fuel-cell ready hydrogen. As such, our technology will help our customers and partners enjoy using clean cars and trucks without limitations.
The hydrogen car technology is already here with more vehicles on the road every year. The most important impediment is scarcity of fuel-cell ready hydrogen fuel. AlPower can meet this challenge by creating networks of hydrogen manufacturing plants to lower transportation fees and significantly increase availability of green fuel-cell ready hydrogen. As such, our technology will help our customers and partners enjoy using clean cars and trucks without limitations.

AlPower’s patented Biohydrogen technology brings value to customers by

  • Stable hydrogen pricing with no dependence on electrical or natural gas price fluctuations.
  • Increased supply of fuel-cell-ready hydrogen that is free of contaminants.
  • Local small and medium-scale capability to reduce transportation costs.
  • Expanded hydrogen markets by manufacturing high purity  hydrogen at remote locations.

AlPower plans to establish strategic partnerships to produce clean energy for customers and for our green planet! To learn more, contact us.